Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Whats up Doc?

Got my foot checked and x-rayed today and found out that it was a very bad sprain. They couldn't tell if I tore anything because of the swelling, but i think its alright. I got some anti-inflamatory so that will help the swelling and the pain. I probably will have to take it easy for a couple of months though before its back to normal...no it probably will never be normal again but it will be alot stronger anyways.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Ibuprofen! Give me Ibuprofen! No, give me vicodin! Just knock me out, i don't care!

I woke up this morning and my ankle seemed to be feeling worse than before...It's been over a week now since I sprained it and it doesn't seem like its getting any better. I'm scheduled to go in to Dr. Ro tomorrow, but mom tried calling again to see if I could be checked out now today. They kept putting her on hold so i think i'm going to have to wait one more day. My foot is all swelled up and purple. Some people think it might be broken, but i think its just a really bad sprain! So right now I'm prettymuch in bed with the laptop in my lap (thats what its for isnt it?) taking it easy... I guess I should've gotten crutches sooner and stopped walking on my foot all last week and i probably shouldn't have went crabbing. But I just could'nt help it. It gets boring sitting around all day ifnyouknowwhatimean. Anyway, i guess pray that it gets better, so that i can go crabbing again this week hehehe